作为第14届威尼斯建筑双年展外围展之一,由Marino Folin和MovingCities共同策展的“应变——中国的建筑和变化”展览。此展览借助模型、摄影和视频等形式,展出11位中国建筑师正在实践的建筑项目(跨越已建成、在建中、概念研究等不同现状),力图展现他们在快速城市化进程中所采取的应变策略与由此而产生的建筑作品。赵扬建筑工作室是获邀参展的建筑机构之一,其在大理的实践项目洱海双子客栈受到各界关注。
As a collateral event of the 14th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, curators Marino Folin & MovingCities created “ADAPTATION - architecture and change in China” as a unique exhibition, providing a critical and timely insight and perspective on the changing understanding of contemporary Chinese architecture and its independent professionals. Featuring recent projects and urban research studies by recognized contemporary Chinese architects, as well supported by design, photography and short-movie documentaries – ADAPTATION presents an unique exhibition showing a culture and profession undergoing profound change in the world’s largest developing country. Zhaoyang Architects was one of the invited Chinese architects, and its project Shuangzi Resort in Dali attracted much attention.
READ MORE: Exhibition/ADAPTATION - architecture and change in China