历时两年多,位于大理才村的Hotel S土建终于完工了。由于大理的度假旅游热,位于大理古城周边的才村已经从一个古朴安静的传统村庄逐步演变为一个喧闹而混杂的游客聚集地。设计所面临的最大挑战是如何在这样一种混乱无序的当代村落环境中营造一个禅修氛围的度假酒店。建筑的整体布局尽量去规避场地周边高耸的“新白族民居”对场地的不良影响,同时把苍山和洱海的景观更多的邀请进建筑内部。建筑东北角及西南角的内院,一方面有助于营造安静内向的氛围,另一方面也积极地改善了建筑内部的自然通风及采光。该建筑以生土为主要建筑材料,对外呈现出一种相对古朴而单纯的姿态,来回应混乱无序的当代村落环境,同时试图去寻找建筑与场地更本质的联系。
Hotel S is located in Cai village which is adjacent to Dali old town. Because of Dali's increasing popularity as a touristic city, Cai Village gradually transforms from a quiet local village to a chaotic touristic spot. The primary challenge of design is how to create a retreat hotel with Zen atmosphere in a contemporary chaotic rural environment. The arrangement of the building tries to avoid disturbance from these new "Bai-style" houses with uncomfortable sheer scale, meanwhile, to invite more mountain and lake view to the inside. The courtyards in northeast and southwest corner, on one hand help to create peaceful and inward atmosphere, on the other hand improve natural lighting and ventilation. By using rammed earth as main material, the building presents a primitive appearance, to respond the chaotic context and to find a more fundamental relationship with the site.